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Key information

Complaints Policy (335KB)

The Policy's aim is to ensure that a concern, difficulty or complaint is managed sympathetically, efficiently and at the appropriate level and resolved as soon as possible.

Data Protection Policy (462KB)

Our Trust aims to ensure that all personal data collected about staff, pupils, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals is collected, stored and processed in accordance with the General data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the expected provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 as set out in the Data Protection Bill.

Health and Safety Policy (268KB)

This Policy sets out how the Trust expects Health and Safety to be managed across all aspects of its operations and activities.

Privacy Notice for Pupils (494KB)

This Privacy Notice explains how we use pupil information, which will include some parental information, and the categories of pupil information we collect, process, hold and share.

Privacy Notice for Staff (473KB)

This Privacy Notice explains what school workforce (staff) information we collect, process, hold and share.

Provider Access Policy (278KB)

This policy statement sets out the Trust's arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at our Academies for the putpose of giving them information about the provider's education or training offer.

Whistleblowing Policy (477KB)

This policy outlines what you should do if you suspect something happening at work is putting people in danger, or is illegal or unethical.

Gender Pay Gap Figures (438KB)

The figures are taken at 05/04/2018, which is the statutory snapshot date.

Deed of Variation of Funding Agreement (133KB)

Deed of Variation: The parties to this Deed are the Secretary of State for Education and the Park Academies Trust.

The Park Academies Trust Master Funding Agreement (902KB)

March 2018

TPAT Academy Articles of Assocation: Model One (441KB)

For use by mainstream, special, 16-19, alternative provision, free and studio schools

2019 Results Flyer (221KB)

As our Trust grows, there are now many more results that demonstrate the fantastic achievement of our pupils, covering all ages from Key Stage 1 right through to ‘A’ levels and university entrance.

Executive Team Structure (120KB)

Organisation chart showing TPAT executive team structure

Trustee attendance at meetings (184KB)

Table showing attendance of trustees at meetings 2018-2019

Trustee Declaration of Interests (7.0MB)

Declaration of Pecuniary/business and personal interests of Trustees