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Join Us: What we offer

We offer a shared opportunity.  The chance to work with like minded schools. The chance to share best practice, ideas and expertise to grow and develop.

You will become part of a family that aims to enhance the educational outcomes for its pupils. A family that recognises that it must target its resources to maximise educational outcomes.


For ‘good’ schools looking for shared ‘core’ services, a SIP-type consultancy approach to help you move from ‘good to great’, and enhanced opportunities for you and your staff.

If you need support to reach ‘good’ then you will get the chance to work with and be supported by colleagues and leaders who share your desire and have been through your experience.

Joining as a Partner School starts with a discussion about how to maximise your benefit from joining the trust. By establishing your ‘baseline’ we can identify how the trust could help you get from ‘good to great’, what you might contribute to the trust and how joining could create financial efficiencies for you.


For schools aiming to reach ‘good’, requiring a bespoke plan of educational support as well as access to shared ‘core’ services and, in time, the chance to acquire partner status.

The Trust provides the following services to all its schools.

Central Services/contracts to be delivered by Trust:

  • Educational Support/SIP
  • Nimble CPD package
  • IT Network management and support
  • HR Management
  • Trustee/Governor indemnity
  • PFI liaison and management
  • Health and Safety Support
  • Banking and Finance
  • Audit and Accountancy
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Finance package license
  • Finance support

Joining as a Member School will start with an action plan, with milestones for success that plots our route to making ‘good’ the consistent standard in your school. We will also explore the financial efficiencies membership could bring, that should help fund the enhanced educational support we would provide. Agreeing an action plan is a key step in joining the trust.

We want both schools needing to get to ‘good’, and also those moving from ‘good to great’. Together we can create a new MAT that provides a wealth of successful experience, the support and challenge needed for each of us to grow, and the economies of scale that are going to be vital in the tough financial landscape ahead.

Funding the trust

All schools will be required to contribute to the cost of providing a shared central core of services, including educational support. Member schools pay more in return for greater educational support, kept in place until they achieve partner status.

Contact us

If you think that you share our vision and values and that your school want to work with us then please contact us.

TPAT Traded Services brochure (3.1MB)

Brochure describing consultancy services offered by the Park Academies Trust

A case study for joining the Trust: Red Oaks Primary School (195KB)

Why Red Oaks Primary School, a successful school in its own right, chose to join the Park Academies Trust