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A new MAT
with a unique approach & structure.

We all know that the government’s vision for education is one of full academisation. But what if you’re a ‘good’ school and worried that becoming an academy or joining a MAT will weaken, not strengthen, what you already do? Or, perhaps you’re in need of support to reach ‘good’ and are looking for a Trust that will help you find the answers, but can’t find one that will also reward your progress and give you the chance to grow?

The Park Academies Trust is setting out to be different.

Not only is it rooted in the expertise of a school that has ‘made the journey’ but our new Trust recognises the uniqueness of each school’s situation through the twin-track approach it offers.

We intend to build a Trust of like-minded local schools: ambitious schools focused on making a real difference for Swindon children.

Find out more

Our Family,
Our Schools

Our Trust will include both schools needing to get to ‘good’ and also those moving from ‘good to great’.

Together we can create a new MAT that provides a wealth of successful experience, the support and challenge needed for each of us to grow, and the economies of scale that are going to be vital in the tough financial landscape ahead.